Recently, representatives from Muqdisho Fresh Fruits (MFF) flew out to visit Costa Rica in Central America, one of the most successful countries in exporting commercial bananas to North America, Europe and the Mediterranean. This trip was facilitated and supported by Blue Alliance Trading (BAT), MFF’s banana technical support group, which is an international banana producing, processing, trading, logistics, technical assistance and training company based in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, also known as the “Green Capital”. MFF and BAT go a long way back in their relationship and efforts to revive the banana industry in Somalia.
During the visit, several recordings of advanced banana technology were made taking advantage of BAT’s contacts with banana producers and other banana players in Costa Rica. These recordings will be turned into training modules for Somali farmers by MFF and BAT with the aim to, ultimately, help improve the Somali banana industry. The recordings were made in modern banana plantations in Costa Rica and were taken during the actual implementation of high technology banana field practices.
MFF also paid a visit to Earth University, located near the Green Capital. There, MFF was able to meet with 16 graduating students from various African countries, including a pool of young Somali students in the pipeline to graduate. They showed great interest to join hands with MFF and stressed their willingness to assist sustainable agriculture in Somalia.

Somali banana harvest for export markets – 2015

A weeklong practical training workshop, designed and implemented exclusively for MFF by BAT and its associates in Costa Rica, resulted in the acquisition of the videos that show effective modern technology to plant, grow, maintain, harvest, process and export commercial bananas. By utilizing some of these essential techniques, Somali banana farmers will be able to undoubtedly increase the production of large volumes of high quality bananas. This agricultural leap and breakthrough will, as a result, increase the competence of the Somali banana trade in international markets. MFF, one of the leading companies participating in this trade, will benefit as well through the enhancement of its own competitive edge in these markets.

Somali banana processing, packaging & loading for the Middle East markets – 2015

The production of these videos are solid proof that MFF continues to reach out to farmers which are industry leaders in Somalia in order for them to adopt the modern GAP banana technical knowhow, within a sustainable farming system, that will enable the improvements in volumes and quality required to successfully sustain the re-launch and the long term viability of Somali banana exports. In that regard, MFF will continue to strive to establish contractual arrangements with highly qualified banana export institutions possessing the banana know-how such as BAT and its associates. The MFF management team has been leading the way since 2002, supported by BAT, and will continue to do so by collaborating with markets, financiers and farmers who are fully convinced of the economic upturn and the viability of the Somali banana and are interested in reclaiming and maintaining, once again, the natural Somali banana markets.


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Muqdisho Fresh Fruits (MFF), which operates under the banner of TAAS Enterprise Somalia, is a Somali registered and a banana trading company in the local and international markets…..

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